Struggle of Outsource Employee’s Life

         A dream to stand in future has always in the mind of every student when he or she was a student. It was very easy to get a job in past times because employment sources were there. But now these days unemployment is the major issue in Punjab, India. Those Children who completed their matriculation studies being prepared for the IELTS and after 10+2 he or she wants to fly abroad. 

         One more thing this is the major issue of our youth but nobody sees those students working in Punjab as outsourcing employees in Govt Offices of Punjab. They had work to do but not paid properly for their work. Sick thinking of other employees took and misuse of their power and become mental harassed them for giving more work and tortured by the name of obsessed rules. They don’t have any type of sympathy for the outsourcing employees they think to use and throw type of politics. 

        In the time of digital India some of the govt employees denied to type a single letter in his or her office were paid a big amount of salary but they never took a stand for the outsourced employees because it is not in their rules. They think that this whole work will be done by outsourcing employees. A Data Entry operator name of the post in the govt of Punjab offices. All the staff thinks he or she as data entry operator is a machine, not a human. From morning to evening work with the keyboard and staying eyesight on the desktop like a puppet, after that lots of work done by Data Entry Operator govt employees said, do this one more had five minutes of work more. Shame on them a man or women do work more than 8 hours and you never paid the full amount of his or her work and you still enjoying your seats by marking letters and reading a newspaper a whole day paid a big amount , will you ever think he or she gives more time to you and your work more than his or her family. And after you said to data entry operator you never do anything you as a pathetic word. Is he or she is not a human?

       I just want to share the situation of outsourcing employment in Punjab. Life of these type of employer will be a part of cruel rules of govt must be changed in future. If not then lots of workers had got depression or got medical unfit to never think and able to do work for him and family.

      Why not any law created in India help those employees for their future and why those govt employees ever think that what they have done and played with someone’s health and future. What you think about this please comment

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Author: Sahil Grover

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